The following videos give you a good introduction to each section in the Community Check Box (CCB).​ You can watch the complete videos here, or you can view sections of the video you need by clicking on the “Video section links” shown. Please note that these section links will open a new window that takes you to the appropriate point in the full video. It will continue to play the rest of the video​.


  • Includes entering, editing, viewing, deleting, and copying accomplishments. Also includes how to create a saved view for accomplishments.

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  • Using Data Sheet View can help you edit multiple entries without opening and saving each one individually.

  • Includes ​how to export accomplishments and provides Excel tips for making the exported file more useful.

  • For more information, see ​Exporting Accomplishments in the Accomplishments Help section.

  • This video only applies to Site Owners and KU Community Health and Development staff. CCB users with Member access will not be able to view the Import link used in this video​.
  • Note: When importing new data, the imported data will become​ the Observer 1 entry, and Observer 2 and 3 entries will automatically be created from the import.

  • For more information, see ​Importing Accomplishments in the Accomplishments Help section.

  • This video only applies to Site Owners and KU Community Health and Development staff. CCB users with Member access will not be able to view the Administration section accessed in this video​.

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Note: This video only applies to Site Owners and KU Community Health and Development staff. CCB users with Member access will not be able to view the Administration section used in this video​.

  • For more information, see ​Intensity Scoring in the Accomplishments Help section.



  • Includes how to create a basic graph.

  • For more information, see ​Graph Basics in the Graphs Help section.


Participants Description

  • Includes how to enter participant description data when creating a new accomplishment.​

  • Includes how to create a Participants Description Analysis Report and download it so you can share it with your community and stakeholders.

Note: This video only applies to Site Owners and KU Community Health and Development staff. CCB users with Member access will not be able to view the Administration section used in this video​.

  • For more information, see ​Working with Participants Description Data in the Participants Description Help section.